Monday, August 23, 2010

Hit with Grief

Today, just as any other day, I woke and I started toasting some waffles. As I waited for them to finish I decided to take a chance and watch the morning news. Sure enough, there were the bright shining faces on the TV wishing me a happy morning with updates on the weather and current events with the occasional joke on the side. Had I known what was to shortly ensue in this program I most likely would have turned the telly off. Alas, a report began where a young boy had been burned on 60% of his body. Normally, this wouldn't catch my attention except for the fact that the circumstances of which this event occurred made my stomach turn.

Apparently the boy was being bullied by some former friends from school. Michael Brewer is his name. As the report goes, Michael owed a kid named Bent some money for a video game, about $40. Since Michael didn't pay up, Bent tried to take Michael's bike but was thwarted by Michael's parents and arrested and sent to juvie, for a day.

Needless to say, Bent had his heart set on revenge. Days later, Bent and his 4 friends brought alcohol and poured it over Michael and set him on fire. He was found by a pool screaming. A lady called 911 for help.

The kid is ok now, as much as he can be anyway. With skin grafts and operations he pulled through. But he will continue to be in pain and deal with post-traumatic stress for the rest of his life unless God works a miracle in his life. You know, usually this kind of thing is only experienced in times of war and conflict. Not to a child.

Needless to say, I turned away from the TV in disgust. Not of Michael's wounds, but of humanity. As I reached for the remote to turn the channel, God told me, "No Caasi, you're going to watch. You need to sample just a microscopic inkling of the pain I see, hear, and feel every moment of everyday. Just as I heard the blood of Able cry out from the grave to me for justice, so do I hear the millions of humanity that cry, groan, grieve, and suffer. Evil does not pass my notice, nor should it yours. So weep and know."

I tell you now, I have not cried like that in a long time, nor so suddenly. It was more than I could bear. In the words of Isaiah I said, "Woe is me, I am undone. For I am a man of unclean lips and I live among a people of unclean lips..."

Immediately I wanted to get up and do something. Anything. But I felt so helpless. I thought maybe I should start an organization, or a ministry that reached out to kids being bullied. But then God spoke to me again and He said, "They need to know Me. All of them; the children, adults, victims, bullies... they all need Me. There are many organizations and institutions that deal with aftermath and prevention. But until they know I AM, all will fall short and you will not but care for one victim until another comes along. Reach the lost where you are, then we'll talk about reaching people groups and nations."

This is the best interpretation I can give for what God put upon my heart. All I know, is that we should not turn away and desensitize ourselves to the pain around us. The more we hear the cries of pain, agony,suffering, and loneliness; just maybe we'll develop a heart of the lost and dying. If Hell is a real place, then why aren't we doing anything to save anyone?

Giving is a good thing. Praying and reading the Bible is awesome. But if we never lead one person to Jesus, then are we really following Christ? Is God really dwelling in us? Or are we just spectating to watch the outcome of this life? We should always strive to help the poor, hurt, broken, hungry, and naked. But if we never share with them the hope of Christ, we are just patching wounds and sending people back in to the same hopelessness they just came from. There has to be a change, there must be a difference.

Tough questions that can't go unanswered...

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