Monday, August 16, 2010

A Defense Agaisnt Relativism

(This letter was written in defense of a friend who was writing about morality and ethics. It has been slightly adjusted to help the comprehensive fluidity for the current reader, being you.)

It's all a farce. All these arguments are nothing more than word play and semantic delusion. Relative humanism and nihilistic philosophy rears its ugly head once again. Men pride themselves in their attempt to refute God and His truth. "Only the fool says in his heart, there is no God." Without concluding the issue of the existence of God, it is only expected that these deny transcendent truth and ethics from a moral law giver, i.e. God. Men and women blind themselves to the truth while they posit a stance of relativism or nihilism, proclaiming the truth of no truth and the purpose of purposelessness.

The fact is that no society, nor even a person, can properly maintain a basic functionality without meaning. In this case a person may attempt to create proximate meaning for basic functionality, though to what end and for what reason I am not sure. At this point it all basically becomes an illusion to cope with and maintain some form of normalcy for day to day non-purposeful purpose to continue living a purposeless existence. It seems death is no different than life, other than that it appears we are aware we are alive and not aware that we've died. I consider it all pseudo-intellectual banter only used to satisfy an empty heart longing for something more.

Some have stated that morals are subjective. Well that's obvious, for morals are nothing but mere mores observed from a certain sample people group in which the most common actions or popular opinion become the standard for normal cultural expectation. So for the Nazis, holocaust was the general expectation of that people group that dictated the given morals of that society. However, it was circumstance and deception that unified a nation against another. The killing of the Jews was derived from false accusations from Hitler and his corrupt ideals birthed from Godlessness and hate.

If one were wrongfully accused of a crime and punished for it, or even murdered for it, they could not reasonably justify to me that an act of evil that transcends personal emotion and opinion has not occurred. Unless, that is, they believe that there is no God, in which there is no moral lawgiver who gives a standard of good and evil. In this case all simply is and decisions are not by choice, but simply the predestined unfolding of a staged play that has been written by our genetic code. Thus, chance becomes our creator. And in the words of Steve Turner, 

“If chance be
the Father of all flesh,
disaster is his rainbow in the sky
and when you hear
State of Emergency!
Sniper Kills Ten!
Troops on Rampage!
Whites go Looting!
Bomb Blasts School!
It is but the sound of man
worshipping his maker.”

Though, I'm sure that those who do not believe in God will surely disagree. It is expected. In fact, the current issue at hand is but a domino issue down the chain of causality that one arrives from the truly most important question that has either rewarded or plagued men throughout history; is there a God?

Some of the previous posts of these relativists have included the words “good” and “love.” You have no reference point or justification to use these words. They are borrowed words that you have deconstructed and rebuilt in your own image. We Christians believe that our words are not our own creations, but translations of translations that originate from the creator. If I wanted to be technical and cruel I could say that you argue in vain and in an unknown tongue of which I cannot understand or comprehend. Your argument is of no value because it has a purpose of purposelessness which contradicts itself.

Someone previously posted that gold and copper have inherent value.Both naturally have the value of conducting electrons easily. Silicon has a natural value as a resistor. Diamonds have a natural value for cutting rocks.” This is false. These have functional purposes to which we attribute value. If we did not need conductors or rock cutters we would not need gold, copper, and diamonds in the previously given context, thus not attributing or finding any value relative to us. To assert that materials have inherent value and mankind does not is simply ridiculous. If someone had a gun to your head and asked you if you wanted to live you would surely say yes, this attributing value to your own life for whatever reason. Then you must ask the question, of what makes your life valuable and others not? But if you said no, you relativists would not bother in promoting this argument you have so graciously presented before us. Realize that we do not live in a vacuum. Though it may seem logical on paper, life is not lived on paper nor solely on logic.

‎"The heart has its reasons of which reason
knows nothing. It is the heart which perceives God and not the reason.
That is what faith is: God perceived by the heart, not by the reason." -Blaise Pascal-

But I know I cannot convince you to faith. We speak in two totally different languages. I care not to debate for simple intellectual satisfaction or personal pleasure to the affirmation of my own worldview. Truth is truth whether we recognize and affirm it or not. My plea is that you simply search out the face of God and know Him as I have. To be able to see the wonder, joy, peace, and love of a savior in which we all “live, move, and exist. Acts 17:28.” Some have said, that they could be wrong. I encourage you to search that out. I’ve never heard a missionary say “I wish I had just lived for myself in this meaningless world.” But I have heard atheists wish for something more and die in their regret.

P.S. Please don’t assume that we Christians are all illogical or unreasonable. It’s just rude, you know.

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